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Command package

The Flamingo command package provides the Flamingo root command and allows to add additional commands under the Flamingo root command. It is based on the popular spf13/cobra package.

How to add new commands for the root command

Register your own commands via Dingo multibindings to *cobra.Command inside your Flamingo module.go file:


func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {

func myCommand() *cobra.Command {
    cmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "myCommand",
        Short: "myCommand short desc",
        Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    return cmd

Or, if you need Dingo to inject some configurations or other useful stuff then use a Dingo provider function to bind your command:

// Configure DI
func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {

// MyCommand gets called by Dingo and all arguments are resolved and injected
func MyCommand(router *Router, area *config.Area) *cobra.Command {

If your module is part of a Flamingo project, then you can call the command simply with:

go run main.go myCommand

About the Flamingo root command

The Flamingo root command is a *cobra.Command command annotated with flamingo.

It is normally used by the default bootstrap of Flamingo (see flamingo/app.go)

This is why the default output of a plain Flamingo project (using the default app bootstrap) looks like this:

$ go run main.go

Flamingo main

  main [command]

Available Commands:
  config      Config dump
  help        Help about any command
  serve       Default serve command - starts on Port 3322

  -h, --help   help for main

Use "main [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Adding persistent flags to the root command

You can add persistent flags to Flamingo's root command by multi-binding a FlagSet to *pflag.FlagSet:

// Configure DI
func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {