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Module flamingo-carotene-behavior

The behavior Module is a "DOM-aware" component loader, which loads js-classes automatically and attaches them to dom-elements.

How to use

npm i -D flamingo-carotene-behavior

See 'How to initialize' below.

What it is for

Given, you've got a DOM structure like this:

    <h1>Click here to see the collapsible content</h1>
    <div class="content">Content of the collapsible</div>

And you want to add some javascript behavior to the headline element to toggle visibility of the content element.

Simply add "data-behavior"-attribute to the element group

<div data-behavior="collapsible">
    <h1>Click here to change the collapsible content</h1>
    <div class="content">Content of the collapsible</div>

After that, create an ES6 class with the name of the data-attribute (in that case "collapsible")

export default class Collapsible {

  constructor (element) {
    // your code here

  dispose () {
    // your code here

Note: The NAME of the class is important here! The DOM element with the data-behavior attribute is passed to the constructor of your class.

How to initialize

Initialisation is easy.

Load the behavior module

import Behavior from 'flamingo-carotene-behavior'

Loading your behaviors

  • Load all your behaviors with globbing (the babel-way)
import * as behaviorModules from './../../**/*.behavior.js'
  • Load all your behaviors with globbing (the webpack-way)
import behaviorModules from './../../**/*.behavior.js'
  • Load all your behaviors manually
import myBehavior from './foo/bar/myBehavior.js'
import anotherBehavior from './xxx/yyy/anotherBehavior.js'
const behaviorModules = {
  'myBehavior': myBehavior,
  'anotherBehavior': anotherBehavior

Create a behavior instance and pass your behaviors to the constructor

const behavior = new Behavior(behaviorModules)



If you've got strange results or behaviors of the behavior module, it is worth to turn on debugging console messages. Simply add


after creating the behavior instance.