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This package provides effective observability to the flamingo ecosystem using the OpenTelemetry instrumentation library. With the OpenTelemetry module, your application automatically exports telemetry data such as metrics and traces. This makes it easy to analyze your application's behavior and collect statistics about load and performance. It provides exporters for the most common tools, i.e. Jaeger, Prometheus and OTLP components.

The metrics endpoint is provided under the systemendpoint. Once the module is activate you can access them via http://localhost:13210/metrics

Module configuration

Config Default Value Description
flamingo.opentelemetry.serviceName flamingo serviceName is automatically added to all traces as attribute
flamingo.opentelemetry.jaeger.enable false enables the jaeger exporter
:information_source: With Jaeger v1.35 they officially support the OpenTelemetry Protocol, so you can use the OTLP exporter instead.
flamingo.opentelemetry.jaeger.endpoint http://localhost:14268/api/traces URL to the jaeger instance
flamingo.opentelemetry.zipkin.enable false enables the zipkin exporter
flamingo.opentelemetry.zipkin.endpoint http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans URL to the zipkin instance
flamingo.opentelemetry.otlp.http.enable false enables the OTLP HTTP exporter
flamingo.opentelemetry.otlp.http.endpoint http://localhost:4318/v1/traces URL to the OTLP collector
flamingo.opentelemetry.otlp.grpc.enable false enables the OTLP gRPC exporter
flamingo.opentelemetry.otlp.grpc.endpoint grpc://localhost:4317/v1/traces URL to the OTLP collector
flamingo.opentelemetry.tracing.sampler.allowlist [] list of URL paths that are sampled; if empty, all paths are allowed
flamingo.opentelemetry.tracing.sampler.blocklist [] list of URL paths that are never sampled
flamingo.opentelemetry.tracing.sampler.ignoreParentDecision true if true, we will ignore sampling decisions of the parent span

Adding your own tracing information

Before you can create your own spans, you have to initialize a tracer:

tracer := otel.Tracer("my-app")

Now you can create a span based on a context.Context. This will automatically attach all tracing-relevant information (e.g. trace-ID) to the span.

func doSomething(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "my-span")
defer span.End()

// do some work to track with my-span   

To add further attributes to the span, please refer to the official OpenTelemetry documentation.

Adding your own metrics

To collect your own metrics, you have to initialize a meter:

meter := otel.Meter("my-app")

Now you can create a new metric, e.g. a counter:

counter, _ := meter.Int64Counter("my.count",
metric.WithDescription("count of something"),

counter.Add(ctx, 1)

For more information about the kinds of metrics and how to use them, please refer to the official OpenTelemetry documentation.