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Flamingo provides basic routing functionality with the standard web.Router

You can use this package either standalone, or together with the prefixrouter module.

Basic routing concept

For the path of an URL a standard routing concept is applied, where at the end the URL is matched to a controller.

  • a route is assigned to a handle. (A handle is a string that represents a unique name). A handle can be something like
  • for a handle a controller can be registered. The indirection through handles allows us to register different controllers for certain handlers in different contexts.

Routes can be configured the following ways (See basic usage below):

  • Via router.Registry in your modules initialisation (typical in module.go)
  • As part of the project configuration. This again allows us to have different routing paths configured for different contexts.

Basic Usage

Registering Routes in Modules

Routes are registered normally during initialisation of your Flamingo module.

In order to register new Routes you need to bind a new RoutesModule, which is normally an internal type of your Flamingo module.

Internally, Flamingo uses a Dingo multibinding to add your RoutesModule. You just have to call web.BindRoutes to register your own RoutesModule:

// Configure DI
func (m *) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {
    web.BindRoutes(injector, new(routes))

routes needs to implement the type:

// RoutesModule defines a router RoutesModule, which is able to register routes
RoutesModule interface {
  Routes(registry *RouterRegistry)

Insides the Routes method you can then use the router.Registry to register new Routes.

For example:

func (r *routes) Routes(registry *router.Registry) {
    registry.Route("/hello", "hello")
    registry.HandleGet("hello", r.helloController.Get)

Registering Routes via Configuration

Add a routes.yml in your config folder like this:

- path: /
  name: index
  controller: flamingo.render(tpl="index")

- path: /anotherPath
  controller: flamingo.render(tpl="index")

- path: /redirect
  controller: flamingo.redirect(to="index")

You can use the Flamingo default controllers (see below)

Routing Details


A route defines a mapping from a path to a "handler identifier".

The handler identifier is used to easily support reverse routing and rewriting mechanisms.


A "handler identifier" can be mapped to one or more Actions, e.g.:

registry.HandleGet("hello", r.helloController.Get)
registry.HandlePost("hello", r.helloController.Get)

Data Controller

Views can request arbitrary data via the data template function.

Route Format

The route format is based on the format the Play Framework is using.

Essentially there are 4 types of parts, of which the route is constructed


A piece which is just static, such as /foo/bar/asd.


A part with a named parameter, /foo/:param/ which spans the request up to the next / or . (e.g. .html).


A (optionally named) regex parameter such as /foo/$param<[0-9]+> which captures everything the regex captures, where param in this example is the name of the parameter.


A wildcard which captures everything, such as /foo/bar/*param. Note that slashes are not escaped here!

Router Target

The target of a route is a controller name and optional attributes.


Parameters are comma-separated identifiers.

If no parameters are specified and not brackets are used every route parameter is available as a parameter.

  • controller.view Gets all available parameters
  • controller.view(param1, param2) param1 and param2 will be set
  • controller.view(param1 ?= "foo", param2 = "bar") param1 is optional, if not specified it is set to "foo". param2 is always set to "bar".

If specified parameters don't have a value or optional value and are not part of the path, then they are taken from GET parameters.


It is possible to specify a catchall address, which gets all parameters and applies all "leftover" as GET parameters, use * to indicate a catchall.


controller.view(param1, *)

This is quite helpful for reverse-routing.

Default Controller

Currently Flamingo registers the following controllers:

  • flamingo.redirect(to, ...) Redirects to to. All other parameters (but to) are passed on as URL parameters
  • flamingo.redirectUrl(url) Redirects to url
  • flamingo.redirectPermanent(to, ...) Redirects permanently to to. All other parameters (but to) are passed on as URL parameters
  • flamingo.redirectPermanentUrl(url) Redirects permanently to url
  • flamingo.static.file(name='...') uses http.ServeFile to serve files and folders.

Configured routes

Beside registering routes in the code it is also possible to register them in your routes.yml.

The root node consists of an array of objects with:

  • controller: must name a controller to execute
  • path: optional path where this is accessible
  • name: optional name where this will be available for reverse routing

Context routes always take precedence over normal routes!


- path: /
  controller: flamingo.redirect(to="", name="home")
  name: home
- path: /home
- path: /special

This will result in the following accessible routes:

  • /: Redirects to /home (because there is a route for with name set to home. Otherwise this would go to /cms/home)
  • /home: Shows"home")
  • /special: Shows"special")
  • /special?name=foo: Shows"foo") (optional argument retrieved from GET)

The / route is now also available as a controller named home, which is just an alias for calling the flamingo.redirect controller with the parameters to="" and name="home".

Router filter

Router filters can be used as middleware in the dispatching process. The filters are executed before the controller action. A router filter can be registered via dingo injection in module.go's Configure function:

func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {

A Filter must implement the web.Filter interface by providing a Filter function: Filter(ctx context.Context, req *web.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, fc *web.FilterChain) web.Result.

The filters are handled in order of dingo.Modules as defined in flamingo.App() call. You will have to return fc.Next(ctx, req, w) in your Filter function to call the next filter. If you return something else, the chain will be aborted and the actual controller action will not be executed.

A filter can prioritized if it implements interface web.PrioritizedFilter, by providing additional method Priority() int. By providing higher value, Filter will be executed earlier in a chain. Priority can be any integer number, positive or negative. In case Filter doesn't implement this interface, default priority value is 0.

Routing config

You can define the URL under which the routing takes place:


This will result in: * the router can generate correct absolute URLs ("") * the router will route after removing the prefix "subpath" from the request

If the config is not set, then the router will generate URLs based on the current hostname.