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Flamingo Sessions

General session usage

Session handling in Flamingo is done by the web.Session struct. You can get the current session by just request *web.Session in your Inject() function.

The inner handling is done by a gorilla.Session object.

Sessions have a Values map of type map[string]interface{}, which can be used to store arbitrary data.

However, it is important to know that underlying gob is used, so it might be necessary to register your custom types via gob.Register(MyStruct{}) in your module's Configure method if you want to make sure it is properly persisted.

Persistence is done automatically if you use Values.

Session Configuration

Flamingo expects a session.Store dingo binding, this is currently handled via the flamingo.session.backend config parameter. Flamingo comes with 3 implementations for sessions: redis, file and memory.


Stores the sessions in memory only. There is no persistence across application restarts. This option should only be used for testing or local development.


Stores the sessions in the directory specified by the flamingo.session.file parameter (default is /sessions). The files will be persisted across application restarts.


Stores the session in an external instance of Redis-compatible cache (Redis, Valkey). Use the following parameters to configure the connection to redis.

flamingo.session.redis.url: redis://:my-secret-password@my-redis/0    # full URL (can be used instead of host, password, database) my-redis                                 # hostname
flamingo.session.redis.password: my-secret-password                   # password
flamingo.session.redis.database: 0                                    # database
flamingo.session.redis.idle.connections: 10                           # maximum number of idle connections
flamingo.session.redis.tls: true                                      # enable tls for connections
flamingo.session.redis.clusterMode: false                             # for redis servers running in cluster mode
flamingo.session.redis.timeout: 5s                                    # timeout for establishing the connection (as time.Duration string)
flamingo.session.redis.keyPrefix: "my-session-key-prefix:"            # optional: prefix to be used for session keys

You can create your own session backend by implementing the gorilla sessions.Store interface. There is a list of existing implementation in the gorilla/sessions repository. To use them, just replace the default flamingo.SessionModule and bind your implementation to the session.Store interface via dingo.


Flamingo's core/auth module provides basic OpenID connect authentication.

Given that the module is used in your project (that means registered) you can inject the application.AuthManager in your controller, and use that to retrieve User information from the context.

Please note: the auth package needs a proper session backend like redis, the cookie backend does not provide enough space for jwt tokens.

import (


type Controller struct {
    authManager *application.AuthManager
    userService application.UserServiceInterface
    session     *web.Session

// Inject dependencies
func (c *Controller) Inject(
    authManager *application.AuthManager,
    userService application.UserServiceInterface,
    session *web.Session,
) *Controller {
    c.authManager = authManager
    c.userService = userService
    c.session = session

    return c

func (c *Controller) Get(ctx context.Context, r *web.Request) web.Result {
    token, err := c.authManager.IDToken(ctx, c.session)
    // ...
    user := c.userService.GetUser(ctx, c.session)

     * client is of type http.Client, and provides
     * a basic http client functionality.
     * If the context belongs to a logged in user
     * then all requests done via this client will have
     * automatically the current OAuth2 Access Token assigned
    client, err := c.authManager.HTTPClient(ctx, c.session)