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Module flamingo-carotene-state-manager

The state-manager gives you the possibility to set and get states, and watch changes. Under the hood redux is used.

How to initialize

npm i -D flamingo-carotene-state-manager

Import state manager

import state from 'flamingo-carotene-state-manager'

Note: The state-manager is a singleton and already returns an instance but a class.

Creating initial state

const initialState = {
  foo: true,
  bar: {
    foo: 'oof',
    baz: 'zab'
  baz: {
    data: null

Initialize class with initial state


How to use

Getting a state

You can get a value of a state by using get(). The first parameter is a .-notated path of the value inside the state object.


Setting a state

By calling set() you'll set a new value for a key. You can even create new state values with set.

state.set('', 'myNewValue')

Watching a state

You can watch for a state change. Just call watch() with a key you're like to watch, and the method will be called instantly, when a state change happens. The callback will get the new state as the first parameter.``, (newValue) => {
  console.log('State "" has changed to new value!', newValue) 

Note that the newValue is an immutable. So you can't change the state by changing newValue inside the watcher. To change states, always call set().

Options``, myCallback, { noCompare: true })

You can enforce triggering listener functions even if the state has not changed by adding noCompare: true to the options object.

Default is false